As soon as your child’s first tooth appears, you’ll want to arrange a pediatric dental appointment. By establishing excellent oral care habits at a young age, it’s much more likely that your little one will maintain healthy teeth throughout childhood---and even into adulthood. Preventive care plays a crucial role in maintaining strong dental health. At Parkland Pediatric Dental, we provide preventive care that will help to minimize the risk of cavities and other dental problems developing in the first place. And our staff goes the extra mile to ensure that your child is as comfortable and happy as possible with their visit to the dentist. Here are three important preventive dentistry treatments for kids.
Teeth Cleanings
Biannual teeth-cleanings are essential to preventing cavities and other childhood dental problems. With teeth cleanings, plaque and tartar will be removed, which will reduce the risk of cavities. Another important benefit of regular teeth-cleanings is that the dentist will help your child establish healthy dental habits that translate to daily life. And when you start teeth-cleanings at an early age, it helps your child establish a rapport with the dentist that makes dental visits feel much less intimidating.
Fluoride Treatments for Children
If your child has a sweet tooth, it’s particularly important that tooth enamel remains in great shape. Sugary food products can harm tooth enamel, making cavities more likely. Fluoride treatments are a safe way to help boost tooth enamel, which provides protection against damage from sugars and other food items. These treatments enhance remineralization and help to prevent cavities.
Dental Sealants for Kids
Food particles often settle into grooves in molars where they can cause tooth decay. With dental sealants, your child will have a protective barrier from this problem. Dental sealants can be put in place in little time and with minimal discomfort. The application process is painless and your child can carry on with their regular diet. The sealants will not be visible, so your child won’t have to worry about anyone remarking on them. This is a great way to prevent cavities from forming in molars.
Pediatric Dentistry in Gilbert, AZ
For preventive children’s dentistry in Gilbert, AZ , contact Parkland Pediatric Dental at (480) 269-3389. At our local pediatric dental office, we do everything in our power to make sure that children feel comfortable with their visits. Feel free to give us a call today to schedule an appointment!
Office Information
4024 E Guadalupe Rd, #105
Gilbert, AZ 85234
Mon-Thurs 8am-5pm
Friday By Appt. Only
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