The National Institute of Health estimates that nearly 20% of school-aged children feel anxiety about visiting the dentist. If your child is one of the many kids who have some degree of fear about dentist appointments, then it’s worth being proactive about alleviating that anxiety. After all, routine dental visits are a crucial component of maintaining your child’s overall health, and the less anxiety your child feels, the better off they’ll be. At Parkland Pediatric Dental, we make a conscious effort to create a minimally stressful environment for our young patients. Here are three things you can do to help your child feel less anxious about dental appointments.
Keep Calm about the Topic during the Days Beforehand
If your child has anxiety about their upcoming dental visit, then their fear may show in the days beforehand. In response, you should remain calm and reassuring, but without being outright dismissive. It’s important that your child knows that you hear them, but you should respond with calmness and carefully talk down their fear, assuring them that the dentist is there to help and will be as friendly and gentle as possible.
Make Sure Your Child Knows Why it’s Important to Go to the Dentist
Your child might only see the dentist through the lens of their fear. By reframing the dentist as someone who helps your child with having a nice smile and being able to eat their favorite foods, you might be able to chip away at your child’s vision of the dentist as a scary character.
Drive to the Appointment in a Nonchalant Manner
The drive to the appointment might intensify your child’s anxiety. To counteract this, you’ll want to act as though the trip is as normal as going to the grocery store. If your child needs reassurance, offer it, but don’t raise your outward emotions to match your child’s. Rather, calmly convey the sense that this is a part of a standard routine. And, if you think it’d help, you could subtly suggest that you could stop for a treat after the appointment.
Pediatric Dentistry in Gilbert, AZ
For an experienced pediatric dentist in Gilbert, AZ and the surrounding area, contact Parkland Pediatric Dental at (480) 269-3389. Feel free to give us a call today to make an appointment!
Office Information
4024 E Guadalupe Rd, #105
Gilbert, AZ 85234
Mon-Thurs 8am-5pm
Friday By Appt. Only
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