Along with brushing, flossing, and routine check-ups, a dental-friendly diet helps to ensure that your child’s teeth remain in strong health. It’s best to establish a diet rich in foods that are high in minerals and help to scrub away plaque. Here’s a look at foods that are (and aren’t) good for your child’s teeth.
Foods for Strong Dental Health:
Eggs help to build strong teeth because they’re rich in calcium, vitamin D, and protein. It’s well-known that calcium plays a strong role in maintaining healthy teeth. But it’s also worth keeping in mind that you need vitamin D to best absorb calcium.
Milk & Cheese
Dairy products promote strong enamel, which reduces the risk of cavities forming. If your child has plaque problems, nutrients in dairy products can counteract the acidity that damages enamel.
Broccoli and Other Leafy Veggies
With a wealth of vitamins and minerals, leafy vegetables are great for your child’s teeth. Broccoli, kale, and spinach are high in folate, which is great for both teeth and gums. If you’re struggling to convince your child to eat broccoli, you can try cutting it up into very small portions, which can make it seem less imposing. You might also convince them by demonstrating how much you enjoy eating broccoli. And, if nothing else, you could turn to recipes that mix broccoli with cheddar.
Apple slices are a great snack for dental health because all that crunching helps to scrub plaque from teeth. As a bonus, apples are a strong source of several nutrients including vitamin C, potassium, and vitamin K.
Foods that Can Harm Dental Health:
Bread & Pasta
When consumed, these simple carbohydrates turn into simple sugars, which can consequently cause tooth decay.
Chewy Candy
Chewy candy is very bad for teeth because it tends to get stuck in crevices and significantly heightens the risk of cavities. Sour chewy candy is particularly bad due to its high acidity.
To learn more about how to keep your child’s teeth healthy, be sure to get in touch with a reputable pediatric dentist who has been certified by the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry. For pediatric dentistry in Gilbert, AZ , contact Parkland Pediatric Dental at (480) 269-3389 . And feel free to use our easy online scheduling tool to make an appointment!
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4024 E Guadalupe Rd, #105
Gilbert, AZ 85234
Mon-Thurs 8am-5pm
Friday By Appt. Only
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