To lessen the risk of tooth decay and cavities, it’s crucial that your child develops excellent brushing habits from a young age. It’s also very important that your child has their first dental checkup when their first tooth arrives, and then has regular checkups thereafter. At Parkland Pediatric Dental, we can establish a plan with you that helps to minimize the chances of tooth decay becoming a problem with your child’s teeth.
Ways to Prevent Tooth Decay in Children
Excellent oral health begins in infancy. As soon as your baby gets their first tooth, which commonly occurs at about six months, the tooth should be brushed twice daily. Even the tiniest teeth can suffer decay if they don’t receive proper care. So you’ll want to regularly brush your little one’s teeth with a dab of toothpaste that is the size of a rice grain. Then, by age three, this can be increased to a pea-sized dab of toothpaste.
By age two, it’s important that your child’s teeth are being flossed regularly so that debris is removed that could cause decay and cavities. It could be many years before your child can properly floss without help, but it’s important that you encourage them to actively participate, which will help them understand the importance of dental health.
Another way to prevent tooth decay is to be careful about your child’s intake of sugary and acidic foods/beverages. Chewy candy is particularly notorious for sticking to crevices in teeth and causing decay. Soda, which is acidic and extremely sugary, is also a common culprit for decay and cavities. In large quantities, starchy foods can even be problematic because they’re liable to convert to sugar while stuck in your child’s teeth. It’s okay for your child to have the occasional sugary treat, it’s just important that such treats are not overdone. Also, you can use a fluoride supplement to help your child’s teeth build up stronger resistance against acid and plaque bacteria that could cause decay.
Children’s Dentistry in Gilbert, AZ
Regular visits to the pediatric dentist’s office will help to minimize the risk of your child’s teeth suffering decay. For a reputable pediatric dentist in Gilbert, AZ and the surrounding area, contact Parkland Pediatric Dental at (480) 269-3389 . Feel free to give us a call today to make an appointment!
Office Information
4024 E Guadalupe Rd, #105
Gilbert, AZ 85234
Mon-Thurs 8am-5pm
Friday By Appt. Only
Copyright | Parkland Pediatric Dental