By establishing successful brushing habits from a very early age, your child will be far more likely to maintain strong dental health as they grow older. As soon as a baby gets its first tooth, that tooth needs to be brushed. For years, you’ll need to assist with brushing. Usually, it’s around age six or seven that a child will be able to reliably and thoroughly brush their teeth on their own. Of course, another important component of keeping your child’s teeth healthy is to schedule regular dental check-ups. At Parkland Pediatric Dental, we’ll do everything within our power to make sure your child’s teeth stay in excellent condition.
Helpful Tips for Successfully Brushing Teeth during Childhood
It’s important that your child uses the right amount of toothpaste. If they use too much, they could develop fluorosis, which can cause a change in the appearance of teeth, and may even cause structural damage. For infants, teeth should be brushed with just water. Then, you’ll want to check in with your pediatric dentist about when your child is ready to start using fluoride toothpaste. Between ages two and three, only a grain-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste should be used. From ages three and up, this should be increased to a pea-sized amount. Teeth should be brushed after breakfast and after dinner/dessert. Brushing sessions should last for two minutes.
It’s also very important that you’re choosing a good toothpaste. It’s best to pay more attention to the product's ingredients and credentials than to the colorful packaging that may be alluring to kids. It’s important to choose a fluoride toothpaste that has the Seal of Acceptance from the American Dental Association.
As your child gets older and starts to fully take over the brushing duties, you’ll want to make sure that they often change their starting point. When children always start brushing from the same point, they often get in the routine of missing certain spots. By changing up the starting spot, it’s more likely that all teeth will be brushed. Also, your child’s toothbrush should be replaced about every three months to ensure that bristles are capable of effective cleaning. And the brush should always be thoroughly rinsed after brushing to prevent the accumulation of bacteria on it.
Pediatric Dentistry in Gilbert, AZ
For a reputable pediatric dentist in Gilbert, AZ and the surrounding area, contact Parkland Pediatric Dental at (480) 269-3389 . Feel free to give us a call today to make an appointment!
Office Information
4024 E Guadalupe Rd, #105
Gilbert, AZ 85234
Mon-Thurs 8am-5pm
Friday By Appt. Only
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